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Our Church

St Mary Magdalene’s RC Church

Everyone who attends St Mary Magdalene’s Roman Catholic Primary School is part of our Church Family.  Accordingly, we welcome everyone to attend Mass.

Father Joesph Olumafemi will be serving Mass at the following times:

Every Saturday at 5.30pm at St Mary Magdalene’s RC Church, Gawthorpe Road, Burnley

Prayer and Liturgy Mass is held at St Mary Magdalene's Church at 5.30pm on the last Saturday of each month.

Every Sunday at 9.30am at St Augustine’s RC Church, Lowerhouse Lane, Burnley

Every Sunday at 11am at St John The Baptist RC Church, St John’s Road, Padiham

As a school, we regularly walk the short distance from school to St Mary Magdalene’s Church for Mass.

Parish Priest: 

Fr Joseph Oluwafemi Ojelabi OMD

Rev. Fr. Olayinka Samson OMD

 Tel: 01282 772200. 

Our church is one of three churches that belong to the parish of St John Paul II. The other churches are St John The Baptist Padiham and St Augustines Lowerhouse. 

Parish of St John Paul 11 - Please click on the links to view relevant information about our parish churches.