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Religious Education

At St Mary Magdalene's we aim to guide the children to become religiously literate young people who have the knowledge, understanding and skills to think spiritually and theologically and who are aware of how their faith is a part of their everyday lives.

Religious Education is a core subject. and is taught for at least 10% of the weekly timetable.

Our Religious Education curriculum is based on the delivery of the Curriculum Directory supported by the Come and See scheme of work which is used as a guide for the teaching and learning of Religious Education throughout the school. Our RE curriculum enables the children to explore key questions of life from the Christian tradition and how to put what they have learnt into context. We work closely with our local Parish to prepare liturgies and we value the partnership between home, school, parish and the wider community.

The primary purpose of Catholic Education is the step by step study of the mystery of Christ, the teaching of the Church and its application in daily life, therefore the principal aims of the school in terms of the Religious Education which it provides are:

To lead the children to a deepening knowledge and understanding of the Catholic Faith.

To provide opportunities for the children to develop a loving relationship with God and their neighbour.

To encourage children to respect and be fully aware of the needs of others as equal members of God’s creation.


St Mary Magdalene's follows the Come and See programme of Religious Education. The aim of this programme is to explore questions about life, dignity and purpose within the Catholic tradition.

Each year group from Reception to Year 6 have their own focus topics to cover throughout the academic year all linked by a central theme. The topics will coincide with the church calendar however, the depth in which the topic is explored is dependent upon the respective age of the child.

We follow the Come and See scheme for curriculum R.E.  This covers all requirements of the Religious Education Curriculum Directory (3-19) for Catholic Schools and Colleges England and Wales.  

Each unit followsthe same curriculum except the World Faith units.  Each unit follows the same sequence:

Engage (1 lesson) à Reveal (6 lessons) à Respond (1 lesson).

Each topic is split into 3 sections-


Children learn through shared experiences and make connections between their life experiences and their friends.


At the heart of the programme is the mystery of God’s self-revelation of love through Jesus Christ. Come and See gives pupils the opportunity to explore the mystery of faith through Scripture and Tradition. 


Children remember and celebrate what they have learnt and apply their knowledge individually.

Children learn through shared experience and make connections between life’s experiences and the gospel teachings. Teaching methods stimulate activities resulting in a response from the ‘heart’ of the child, developing attitudes of respect and reverence and an understanding that following Jesus is a call to holiness and wholeness of life.

Children are taught in as creative a way as possible, using, for example, role play, hot seating, drama, art, music, reflection; the children learn and live through experiencing living faith.



Parents have a right to withdraw their child from some or all aspects of RE and Collective Worship. However, as a Catholic school, the Catholic ethos permeates the whole of the curriculum and school life.

Please see below some further information on this. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to speak to Mrs Loughran.

(Section 71(3), School Standards and Framework Act 1998).